Monday, September 30, 2013

Two Words, a Pause and a Smile

There are ten boys and three girls in Robotics Innovation Design this semester. One of the girls began the course very much engaged. The other two needed a bit more coaxing. One of these two girls did not even want to be in the course and lobbied heavily to switch to a different elective. Socializing, drinking water and going to the bathroom were the activities that she was most engaged in. That is why she stopped me in my tracks today with two words.

She and her partner, who are good friends outside of class, were designing their own challenge for the robots. Noticing them both hunched over the computer screen, I asked "OK. What are you doing?" She looked up at me, paused, and said rather matter-a-factly "I'm programming." 

I began to respond normally before I realized that this girl has probably never uttered those two words together before in her life. A beat went by. I smiled to myself and continued with my line of questioning. 

"I'm programming."

I love teaching robotics. Every single day brings something new, some realization by the kids or by me. It's just awesome. And I am quite stingy with that word. 

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